If you’ve been looking for a simple yet elegant music widget for Apple Music?

Well here is one that is one of those things! Enjoy!

<aside> 💵 **This widget requires Cider 2+, which costs US$3.49.

Get Cider here: https://cidercollective.itch.io/cider**



Step 1: Turn on Websockets API in Cider

  1. Open Cider


  2. Go to Settings > Connectivity > Websockets API and make sure it is turned on



Step 2: Add the widget to OBS

  1. Simply add a new browser source in OBS Studio

    1. Right click and Add > Browser


    2. Paste in the URL **https://nuttylmao.github.io/apple-music-widget/**


    <aside> ℹ️ There is a optional setting to only show during song changes

    In the browser source properties, add ?duration={seconds} to the URL. e.g. To hide the widget automatically after 10 seconds, use this URL **https://nuttylmao.github.io/apple-music-widget/?duration=10**

    You can also add ?hideAlbumArt to hide the album art. e.g. To hide the widget automatically after 10 seconds, use this URL **https://nuttylmao.github.io/apple-music-widget/?hideAlbumArt&duration=10**



  2. Start playing music in Cider! I personally recommend Love Shake by Minx


<aside> ✅

You have now successfully installed nutty's apple music widget.

Make sure to enjoy yourself and don’t ask me to make this for Spotify or YouTube Music!


Join The Discord

For all support related questions, please use the #🔧-widget-support channel in the Discord. If you do not see that channel, please make sure you have linked your Patreon account to Discord.