Have you ever thought “Wow, I sure would like to have my entire Twitch/YouTube chat logged on Discord. Even better, it would be great if all events like new subscribers, raids etc. were logged too!”.

That is a weirdly specific thing to want in your life, but here you go, fellow streamer!

<aside> <img src="attachment:ceeaaba0-f478-49fd-8342-944313184c66:logo.png" alt="attachment:ceeaaba0-f478-49fd-8342-944313184c66:logo.png" width="40px" />

This widget requires Streamer.bot.

If you are new, please refer to nutty’s Definitive Streamer.bot Beginner’s Guide to get started.


What You Will Need

Step 1: Create A Discord Webhook URL

  1. In your Discord server, select the channel that you want your logs to go to

  2. Right click and select Edit Channel > Integrations > Webhooks > New Webhook




  3. Click your new webhook and select Copy Webhook URL


Step 2: Import Streamer.bot Actions

  1. In Streamer.bot, click Import


  2. Drag discord-stream-logger.nut into the Import String box

  3. Click Import


Step 3: Paste in your Discord Webhook URL

  1. In [NUT] Discord Stream Logger | Chat, right click %webhookUrl% and paste in your webhook URL from Step 1

