If you are multistreaming to Twitch and YouTube, you’ve probably been looking for a tool that allows you to update all your stream titles at the same time.

Well I made one. Enjoy!


Step 1: Turn on Websocket Server

  1. In Streamer.bot, click Servers/Clients > Websocket Server

  2. Click Auto Start and Start Server

    1. Leave the Address as (or
    2. Leave Port as 8080


Step 2: Import Streamer.bot Actions

  1. In Streamer.bot, click Import


  2. Drag multistream-title-updater.nut into the Import String box


  3. Click Import


Step 3: Open the widget

  1. Open https://nuttylmao.github.io/multistream-title-updater/

  2. It should automatically connect to Streamer.bot - if it does not, either you did it wrong or I am shit at programming. I’m sorry.

  3. Update yo titles homie!

    1. It will automatically try to grab your Twitch/YouTube titles.

    2. You can update the title for each platform individually.

    3. Clicking on the icon next to each title will take you to the dashboard for that platform. This is useful for checking which specific YouTube stream you are updating.



Optional: Add as a dock in OBS