
Introducing nutty’s Twitch Ad Countdown Timer!

Do you hate it when Twitch runs mid roll ads every 30 minutes? Well I’m sorry, I don’t work for Twitch.

So here’s a widget that at least shows your viewers when ads are running.

<aside> <img src="attachment:ceeaaba0-f478-49fd-8342-944313184c66:logo.png" alt="attachment:ceeaaba0-f478-49fd-8342-944313184c66:logo.png" width="40px" />

This widget requires

If you are new, please refer to nutty’s Definitive Beginner’s Guide to get started.


What You Will Need

How To Install

  1. In, enable WebSocket Server


  2. Add a new browser source in OBS Studio

    1. Right click and Add > Browser


    2. Paste in the URL ****

      Set the width/height to the resolution of your canvas (e.g. 1920x1080)


<aside> ✅

Congratulations! You have now successfully installed nutty’s Twitch Ad Countdown Timer!

The widget will automatically detect when ads are running on your stream and display the timer.


Custom CSS Template (Optional)

body {
	background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
	margin: 0px auto;
	overflow: hidden;

#timerBar {
	background-color: #ffcc00;

#adLabel {
	background-color: #F9BE2A;
	color: #1C1B22;

#timerLabel {
	color: white;